The 4 Dimensions


How does your team evaluate information?
"Information is a beacon, a cudgel, an olive branch, a deterrent — all depending on who wields it and how." — Steven Levitt
We have more data, and more powerful analytical tools, than ever before. But all that raw potential doesn't amount to much without the people that are making sense of it. Processing boils down to how your team takes raw information (data) and turns it into insights that the group can use as an input into decision-making.
While every team has its own idiosyncrasies, its information processing style will fall into one of two archetypes.


teams rely on reams of data and rigorous analysis when interpreting information.

Characteristics of



  • The argument that carries the day tends to be the one that is most rigorously researched and supported by the facts.
  • Everyone has a chance to inform the group’s thinking, so long as they back it up with the type of analysis the team likes to see.
  • There's an emphasis on objectivity and a general skepticism of intuition or "gut feel." Maybe you've even heard your teammates say something to the effect of, "In God we trust. All others must bring data."



teams excel

Environments where the data holds the key to the best path forward, e.g.,

  • In sectors such as engineering, finance, or IT, where decisions must be precise and based on technical data, logical teams can excel by applying their rigorous analytical skills to solve complex problems.
  • In situations involving complex variables, such as logistics planning, data-driven analysis allows for more team members to share in the challenge of understanding information.
  • Constantly-changing environments, where people regularly change roles or move teams, benefit from a common set of analytical techniques and standards. This allows new team members to more easily "plug in" and begin contributing right away.


teams rely on specific, trusted individuals to tell them what’s going on and what matters.

Characteristics of



  • Your team has a habit of socializing its analysis ahead of key meetings and decision points, running it by key people for their input and buy-in. Emotional intelligence is an important ingredient in succeeding.
  • Certain individuals on the team (not necessarily the team's leaders!) have a lot of sway over what the team does. You're often told to "check with so-and-so" before making a decision.
  • There's a lot of emphasis on the value of expertise, organizational context, and relationship capital. It's better to have the team's respect than it is to always be "right."



teams excel

Environments where a variety of different disciplines have to coexist, and where it's important to win over hearts (and not just minds), e.g.,

  • Truly cross-functional environments, where a team contains subject matter experts from very different disciplines. In this situation it's necessary to trust the experts (vs. coming to a common, shared understanding).
  • Low-data environments, like startups and new market ventures, call for a higher degree of intuition. When there's limited information to analyze, an overly analytical approach is a waste of time.
  • Roles where building and maintaining relationships are critical, such as in sales, marketing, or customer service. Relational teams can leverage their strong interpersonal instincts to enhance client satisfaction and loyalty.
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Want to learn more about the TeamDynamics framework?

Building a great team is about more than just who is on your team. It's also about how they work together.

How does your team communicate and collaborate to get work done? Is it all about detailed documentation and rigorously defined implementations? Or maybe your team prefers informal chats and lightweight plans?

TeamDynamics captures the fundamentals of how modern teams work, from generating insights to putting plans into action. Explore the four dimensions of TeamDynamics and start your journey towards a better, more fulfilling team experience.

How well do you know your team?

We've analyzed thousands of teams across industries, functions, and geographies. Here's a few things we've found.

Understanding how your team works is the key to getting work done (and having fun while doing it). You might be surprised what you learn.

Only 1/3 of managers know their teams.
Just 34% of managers correctly identify their team's type. If you don't know how your team works, how can you manage it?
9 in 10 people are out of alignment with their team.
92% of individuals are in tension with at least one of their team's core behaviors (two-thirds are in tension with 2 or more behaviors). Learn to thrive, even where you might naturally struggle!
3 out of 5 people want to work differently.
57% of individuals would prefer that their team execute towards its objectives differently. Maybe it's time to change how the team is working?
Read our 2025 State of the Team Report!
Learn how today's teams are communicating and collaborating to get work done in our inaugural report on the state of modern teamwork.

TeamDynamics is a team building tool for individuals and teams who believe that teamwork should be intentional and rewarding.

We spend just as much time today with our coworkers as we do with our loved ones. We have tools to manage our relationships with partners: love languages, compatibility tests, therapy, and more.

But when it comes to relationships with our professional teams, we're flying blind. It doesn't have to be that way.

TeamDynamics is a team building tool to help the modern team get more done and have more fun while doing it. Quantify your team's behaviors. Describe them with a shared language. Improve your team's performance with tailored recommendations.

Hector R.
Freelance Consultant

"I've used TeamDynamics with a range of clients. Each time, it's helped me quickly understand the team I'm working with, leading to faster results and happier clients. A must-have for consultants!"

Jamie F.
Product Marketing Manager

"I was asked to lead a workshop on working styles at our last offsite. I had no idea what to do. I came across TeamDynamics, and it saved me literally hours preparing for the session. Oh, and I got super positive feedback afterwards!"

David S.
Software Engineer

"When I switched teams, I felt like I lost my instincts for working with my colleagues: things that were easy to coordinate before seemed to take forever, and I couldn't get my points across. TeamDynamics helped me figure out what I needed to change to get my groove back."

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