Getting your team aligned is more important than ever, and it’s one of the essential responsibilities of any high-performing leader. A well-structured team agreement can be the difference between a group that works seamlessly together and one that struggles with miscommunication and conflicting expectations. But how do you make sure everyone is on the same page?

That’s where a team agreement comes in. A team agreement clearly defines how your team will communicate, make decisions, and handle conflict. It lays the foundation for strong collaboration by setting expectations upfront.

To help you get started, we’ve created a free team agreement template that you can download and use with your team. In this post, we’ll walk you through what a team agreement is, why it’s essential for any team, and how you can use our template to create a strong foundation for success. Plus, we’ll introduce you to TeamDynamics, a tool that takes team collaboration to the next level by helping you and your team better understand how individual preferences align with team norms.

What is a Team Agreement?

A team agreement is a simple but powerful tool that sets the ground rules for how a team will work together. It’s essentially a written document that outlines the team’s goals, communication methods, decision-making processes, and how conflicts will be resolved. Think of it as a roadmap that keeps everyone on the same page, helping to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that the team stays focused on what really matters.

The key components of a strong team agreement include:

  • Purpose and Goals: What is the team working toward? Defining this upfront gives everyone a clear direction.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Who is responsible for what? This section outlines each team member’s role and accountability.
  • Communication Guidelines: How will the team share information? Will it be through casual conversations or structured meetings?
  • Analysis Guidelines: How will the team analyze information? Where and how will analysis be shared?
  • Decision-Making Process: How will the team make decisions? Will it be a consensus, or will the team leader make the final call?
  • Executing Projects: How will the team plan for, and carry out, projects? How will progress be tracked and shared?
  • Conflict Resolution: What happens when disagreements arise? A team agreement should lay out a process for handling conflicts constructively.
  • Meetings and Availability: What are our expectations for team meetings, including frequency, format, and what is required of team members in terms of availability and participation?
  • Accountability and Feedback: How will team members hold each other accountable for their work? How will feedback be given to ensure continuous improvement?
  • Individual Work Style Preferences (optional): What are team members’ preferred work styles?

By establishing these guidelines upfront, you help create a more efficient, harmonious working environment. Everyone knows what’s expected of them and how they can contribute to the team’s success.

Download our team agreement template to easily build a custom agreement for your team. Whether you’re part of a project team, a cross-functional group, or a remote team, this template provides everything you need to get started.


Why Use a Team Agreement Template?

Creating a team agreement from scratch can be time-consuming, and it’s easy to overlook important details. That’s why using a team agreement template is a smart move. It helps ensure that all critical areas—like communication, roles, and decision-making—are covered, so your team can start working together with clear expectations from day one.

Here are a few key reasons to use a team agreement template:

  1. Saves Time: Instead of brainstorming every possible scenario, a template provides a ready-made structure for your team to fill in. This lets you focus on tailoring the agreement to your team’s specific needs.
  2. Establishes Clear Expectations: When everyone knows what’s expected, it’s easier to avoid misunderstandings. For example, if your team agrees to check in daily via Slack, there’s no confusion about how often updates are needed.
  3. Prevents Misunderstandings and Conflict: A good team agreement template forces you to talk about potential issues upfront, like how decisions will be made or how to resolve disagreements. This helps prevent common points of friction from becoming bigger problems later on.
Example: Why a Team Agreement Matters. Imagine a product development team where half the members assume decisions will be made by consensus, while the other half think the project manager has the final say. Without a clear agreement, this misunderstanding could lead to delays, frustration, and even conflict. A team agreement eliminates that confusion by clearly stating the decision-making process before any issues arise.

By using our free team agreement template, you can streamline this process and set your team up for success from the start. Plus, it’s flexible enough to adapt to different types of teams, whether you’re in a traditional office setting or working remotely.

Download the template today and see how it can improve collaboration, productivity, and team cohesion!

How to Use the Team Agreement Template

Using our team agreement template is simple and customizable. Follow these steps to create a tailored team agreement that works for your specific team and situation.

Step 1: Define Your Team’s Purpose and Goals

Start by filling out the Purpose and Goals section. Discuss with your team what you aim to achieve together. Whether it’s launching a new product, improving internal processes, or working on a short-term project, everyone should have a clear understanding of what success looks like.

Tip: Be specific. Instead of saying “increase sales,” say “increase sales by 10% in the next quarter.”

Step 2: Clarify Roles and Responsibilities

Next, list each team member’s role and what they are responsible for. This ensures accountability and helps avoid overlap in responsibilities. Each person should know what they’re in charge of and how their work fits into the bigger picture.

Tip: Review this section regularly as roles may shift during a project.

Step 3: Set Communication Guidelines

Decide how your team will share information. Will you check in daily via Slack? Hold weekly meetings? Use a shared document for updates? This section helps set clear expectations for how often and through what channels the team will communicate.

Tip: If your team prefers a more structured approach, set up regular check-ins. If your team works more informally, just make sure you have some method of tracking key updates.

Step 4: Establish a Decision-Making Process

Determine how decisions will be made. Will it be by consensus, or will a team leader make the final call after gathering input? Clearly outline this process so everyone knows how decisions are reached.

Tip: If your team is larger, consider delegating certain types of decisions to specific subgroups to keep things efficient.

Step 5: Create a Plan for Conflict Resolution

No team is perfect, and conflicts can arise. Establish how disagreements will be handled in a constructive way. This might include having an open conversation or bringing in a mediator if necessary.

Tip: Make it clear that conflicts are a normal part of teamwork and set a positive tone for how they’ll be resolved.

Step 6: Set Expectations for Meetings and Availability

Specify how often meetings will take place and what’s expected of team members in terms of availability. Whether you’re working remotely or in the office, this helps prevent frustration around missed meetings or late responses.

Tip: Agree on core hours when everyone is expected to be available, especially if you have team members in different time zones.

Step 7: Review Accountability and Feedback Processes

Decide how the team will track progress and hold each other accountable. Will you review milestones in weekly meetings? How often will feedback be provided, and in what format? This helps keep the team moving toward their goals and improves collaboration.

Tip: Regular feedback sessions are crucial for staying on track and maintaining team morale.

By following these steps, your team will have a clear, customized agreement that lays the foundation for effective collaboration. And remember, this is a living document—revisit and update it as your team evolves.

Ready to create your own team agreement? Download our free template and get started today!

Team Agreement Examples

Every team is unique, and your team agreement should reflect that. While the template provides a structure, the way you fill it out will depend on your team’s goals, work style, and dynamics. Let’s look at a few examples of how different types of teams might use a team agreement.

Example 1: Product Development Team

A product development team working on a tight deadline might fill out the team agreement like this:

  • Purpose and Goals: Launch a new software feature by the end of Q4.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: The project manager oversees deadlines; developers focus on coding, while designers handle user experience and interface.
  • Communication Guidelines: Daily stand-ups via Zoom, with weekly progress updates via email.
  • Decision-Making Process: The project manager has the final say after gathering input from the team.
  • Conflict Resolution: Team members will address issues directly first, and if unresolved, the project manager mediates.

This kind of agreement ensures that the team is aligned on responsibilities and how to communicate effectively, which is critical when time is of the essence.

Example 2: Cross-Functional Project Team

In a cross-functional team where members come from different departments, the agreement might look like this:

  • Purpose and Goals: Successfully launch a new marketing campaign with input from sales, design, and content teams.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Each department head contributes their expertise; the marketing manager coordinates efforts.
  • Communication Guidelines: Weekly Zoom meetings with written updates shared via a shared Google Doc.
  • Decision-Making Process: Decisions will be made by consensus during team meetings, with the marketing manager having final approval if necessary.
  • Conflict Resolution: If team members disagree, a third-party mediator from HR will step in.

This setup helps ensure that all departments are heard and that any potential conflicts are dealt with promptly.

Example 3: Remote Team

A fully remote team working across time zones might customize their team agreement like this:

  • Purpose and Goals: Maintain smooth collaboration while working on a long-term international project.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: The team lead oversees project progress; individual contributors work independently but check in weekly.
  • Communication Guidelines: Slack for daily asynchronous updates, bi-weekly Zoom meetings for live collaboration.
  • Decision-Making Process: All major decisions will be made via consensus, with feedback collected asynchronously when time zones conflict.
  • Conflict Resolution: Disagreements will be resolved through one-on-one Zoom meetings first, then escalated to the team lead if necessary.

For remote teams, setting expectations for communication and decision-making upfront is critical for keeping everyone on the same page, despite the distance.

Using these examples, you can see how a team agreement can be customized for different types of teams and work environments. Whether your team is in-person, remote, or cross-functional, a well-structured agreement keeps things running smoothly.

Ready to create your own? Download our free team agreement template and get started today!

TeamDynamics: A Deeper Way to Understand Your Team’s Norms

While a team agreement is a great starting point for setting expectations, TeamDynamics takes it a step further by helping your team understand the deeper patterns in how you work together. TeamDynamics focuses on the unique ways your team communicates, processes information, makes decisions, and executes plans. This helps your team go beyond the basics of setting rules—it helps you understand the underlying dynamics that drive your team’s success (or friction).

How Does TeamDynamics Work?

TeamDynamics breaks down team behavior into four key dimensions:

  1. Communicating: How does your team share information? Is it informal and organic, or is it more structured and ordered?
  2. Processing: How does your team evaluate information? Do you focus on logical facts or weigh personal relationships when considering input?
  3. Deciding: How are decisions made? Are they driven by leadership, or do you strive for consensus among team members?
  4. Executing: How does your team work toward goals? Is your process methodical and deliberate, or more spontaneous and adaptable?

By exploring these dimensions, you can gain a clearer picture of your team’s natural strengths and where friction might occur. For example, if your team prefers an informal style of communication, but a new project demands more structure, you can adjust your approach to avoid issues before they arise.

How TeamDynamics Enhances Your Team Agreement

TeamDynamics helps you take the framework of your team agreement and tailor it to your team’s unique preferences and needs. For instance:

  • Defining Communication Norms: You might discover that some team members prefer more spontaneous, informal updates, while others thrive in structured meetings. TeamDynamics helps you find a balance that works for everyone.
  • Evolving Decision-Making Processes: As your team grows and changes, you might need to adjust how decisions are made. TeamDynamics allows you to evolve those norms over time, helping to keep everyone aligned and productive.
  • Building Stronger Team Cohesion: When team members understand how their individual work styles fit within the team’s overall approach, collaboration becomes smoother, and conflicts become less frequent. TeamDynamics provides this insight, allowing you to adjust your team agreement as needed.

In short, TeamDynamics offers a deeper understanding of your team’s natural ways of working, making it easier to refine and evolve your team agreement over time. With these insights, your team can not only create an agreement but also build the flexibility to adapt and grow together.

Ready to dive deeper into your team’s dynamics? Explore how TeamDynamics can help your team today.


A well-crafted team agreement is more than just a set of rules—it’s a foundation for better collaboration, clearer communication, and smoother decision-making. By setting clear expectations from the start, your team can avoid misunderstandings and work together more efficiently.

With our free team agreement template, you have everything you need to create a customized plan that aligns your team’s goals, roles, and working methods. Whether you’re part of a product development team, a cross-functional group, or a remote workforce, a team agreement helps ensure that everyone is on the same page.

But don’t stop there! Take your team’s collaboration to the next level by exploring TeamDynamics, a tool designed to help teams understand their unique dynamics. By using TeamDynamics, you’ll gain deeper insights into how individual preferences align with team norms, allowing you to refine your team agreement as needed and continuously improve your team’s performance. You can even try TeamDynamics for free!

Ready to build a stronger, more cohesive team? Download the team agreement template today and start transforming the way your team works together. And if you’re looking for deeper insights, explore how TeamDynamics can help your team thrive by understanding how everyone fits into the bigger picture.