As a manager, writing your team's reviews (annually, semi-annually, or quarterly) is one of your most time-consuming tasks. ChatGPT can solve that. Here's how.
September 20, 2024

Use ChatGPT to Write Your Team's Performance Reviews: A Guide for Managers

As a manager, writing your team's reviews (annually, semi-annually, or quarterly) is one of your most time-consuming tasks. ChatGPT can solve that. Here's how.

As a manager, writing your team's reviews (annually, semi-annually, or quarterly) is one of your most time-consuming tasks. ChatGPT can solve that. Here's how.


ChatGPT is a powerful tool for managers, helping you get more efficient at everything from how you develop and manage your teams to how you build plans, and even how you promoted. Read on to learn how you can use AI as a manager to write performance reviews, saving yourself hours of work and leading to better development discussions with your team.

Ready to get started on your teams' reviews? We've got you covered with a free downloadable performance review template (including examples and suggested ChatGPT prompts)!

In this article:

Writing performance reviews is one of the core responsibilities of a manager. And, depending on how frequently your company requires you to write them, it can also be one of your biggest time commitments. What's more, getting performance reviews just right is like walking a tightrope: lean too much on one side, and you might demotivate your team with overly critical feedback. Tip too far the other way, and you risk sugarcoating issues that need attention. It's a balancing act that managers across all organizations -- tech companies, marketing departments, consultancy firms, and more -- face every evaluation cycle.

Enter ChatGPT. With this tool, you get a partner in performance reviews: writing a first draft, getting inspiration on how to present feedback, and even brainstorming suggestions for how your team can improve. This isn't just another tech tool; it's a game-changer in how we approach performance evaluations. Imagine having a helper that can sift through mountains of feedback, highlight accomplishments, and even suggest areas for growth, all with a few keyboard taps -- and without anyone else even knowing you're using it!

But how can a piece of software, no matter how sophisticated, understand the nuances of human performance? This is where the beauty of ChatGPT lies. It's designed to process language in a way that mimics human understanding, making it an ideal ally in crafting reviews that are not only accurate but also resonate on a personal level.

In this post, we'll explore how managers can use AI to write performance reviews and streamline the review process, ensuring feedback is both meaningful and motivating -- without taking forever. From gathering insights to personalizing reports, we'll guide you through making performance evaluations a powerful tool for growth rather than just a managerial chore.

Let's embark on this journey together, transforming the dreaded performance review into an inspiring springboard for professional development.

Understanding ChatGPT and Its Capabilities

Imagine having a conversation with someone who not only listens but also understands the ebb and flow of your thoughts, and then responds with insights that feel remarkably human. This is what it's like to interact with ChatGPT, a cutting-edge AI that's changing the game in how we handle tasks, including the nuanced process of performance reviews.

What is ChatGPT?

At its core, ChatGPT is an AI developed to understand and generate human-like text based on the prompts it receives. It's like having a brainstorming session with a very knowledgeable colleague who's read almost every book in the library. Whether you're summarizing key achievements or pinpointing areas for improvement, ChatGPT can turn your notes and observations into well-articulated feedback.

What are the best ChatGPT Alternatives for Writing Performance Reviews?

ChatGPT isn't the only AI-powered text generation tool. You can also use Gemini (from Google), Copilot (from Microsoft), or Claude (from Anthropic). While each of these AI generators has its advantages and disadvantages, at the end of the day they all do the same thing: turn your text-based prompts into full-fledged paragraphs of human-sounding content.

The best large language models for writing performance reviews are OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Gemini, Microsoft's Copilot, and Anthropic's Claude.

How Do Tools Like ChatGPT Work?

ChatGPT processes information by breaking down the language we use every day into patterns and structures it can understand. It's not just about recognizing words; it's about grasping the context, tone, and subtleties of our language. This allows it to generate responses that can often feel like they're coming from a human being rather than a computer program.

Applying ChatGPT to Managerial Tasks

For managers, ChatGPT can be a powerful ally. It can sift through data on employee performance, identify trends, and even suggest wording for feedback that hits the right note. Imagine inputting a list of project milestones an employee has achieved and asking ChatGPT to draft a paragraph summarizing these accomplishments. The result? A coherent, thoughtful reflection of the employee's contributions that you can then personalize further.

Let's say you're a product manager in a tech company, and you've been tracking the progress of your team on a new app development. By feeding ChatGPT information about each team member's contributions, challenges, and achievements, you can generate initial drafts of personalized feedback for each team member. This not only saves time but also ensures that your feedback is comprehensive and considers all aspects of their performance.


Preparing to Use ChatGPT for Performance Reviews

Before jumping straight into writing performance evaluations with ChatGPT, a little prep work can make all the difference. Think of it like baking a cake; the right ingredients and a bit of preparation upfront ensure a delicious outcome. Here’s how to set the stage for a successful review process with ChatGPT by your side.

Want an employee annual performance review template that's already optimized for ChatGPT? Check out our downloadable annual review template, including prompts to help write your employee performance review.

Gathering Your Ingredients: Concrete Examples and Achievements

Just as you wouldn't bake without measuring your ingredients first, you shouldn't start a performance review without gathering specific examples of your team's work. This means compiling data on their projects, milestones, and any challenges they've overcome. It's these tangible details that will feed into ChatGPT, enabling it to generate insightful, personalized feedback.

Setting Clear Objectives for the Review

What do you hope to achieve with each performance review? Is it to motivate, to guide, or perhaps to recalibrate goals? Clearly defining the purpose of your reviews will help you ask ChatGPT the right questions, ensuring the feedback it generates aligns with your objectives. Think of this as setting the temperature on your oven; the right setting ensures everything comes out just right.

Looking to conduct an effective calibration review? Learn how leading companies like Meta and Amazon use calibration reviews.

Understanding Roles, Responsibilities, and Evaluation Criteria

Knowing the intricacies of each team member's role is crucial. This understanding helps you frame their achievements and challenges in the context of their responsibilities. Additionally, being clear on the criteria you're evaluating against helps ensure fairness and consistency. It's like following a recipe; knowing what goes into the mix and in what proportions makes sure your cake rises perfectly.

Putting It All Together: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing for ChatGPT-Assisted Reviews

  1. Compile a List of Achievements and Challenges: Start with a comprehensive list for each team member. This includes project completions, milestones hit, any obstacles they've navigated, and how they contributed to the team.
  2. Clarify Your Review Objectives: Jot down what you aim to achieve with each review. Is it feedback, goal setting, or something else?
  3. Understand the Roles and Responsibilities: Make sure you're clear on what each team member is supposed to do. This clarity will guide the feedback process.
  4. Set Evaluation Criteria: Define what success looks like in each role, helping you measure performance objectively.
  5. Bring in Your Company Values: Describe what traits your company wants employees to exhibit, so that you can use ChatGPT to reference these in your AI-generated performance review.

By following these steps, you're not just preparing to use ChatGPT; you're setting up for performance reviews that are not only easier to conduct but also far more meaningful and impactful for your team. With the groundwork laid, ChatGPT can help you craft reviews that truly resonate, fostering growth and motivation across your team.

Generating the Review with ChatGPT: A Step-By-Step Guide

Now that you've done the prep work, it's showtime! Using ChatGPT to craft performance reviews can be like having a co-pilot in the cockpit, ready to help navigate through the skies of feedback and growth opportunities. Here's how to make the most out of this powerful tool.

Step 1: Input Preparation

First up, think of ChatGPT as a chef who's about to whip up a complete meal with the ingredients you've provided. Your detailed notes on each team member's achievements, challenges, and the context of their work are the ingredients. Summarize this information in clear, concise prompts. For instance, "Generate a summary of John's contributions to the X project, emphasizing his problem-solving skills and teamwork." From this starting point you can start to build your ChatGPT performance review.

Prompt ChatGPT with as many specifics as you can.

Step 2: Dialogue with ChatGPT

Next, engage in a dialogue with ChatGPT as if you were brainstorming with a colleague. Ask open-ended questions to explore different aspects of the team member's performance. For example, "What are some strengths in Lisa's project management approach?" or "How could Mark improve his client communication?" This step is about refining the raw material into insights that will form the backbone of your review.

Step 3: Customizing Output

The final step is to take ChatGPT's responses and add your personal touch. Remember, while ChatGPT can provide a solid foundation, the nuances of personal relationships and company culture are yours to weave in. This might mean adjusting the tone to better fit your team's dynamic or adding specific examples that highlight an individual's unique contributions.

Personalization Is Key

Imagine you're editing a photo to capture a moment just right. Similarly, tweak the feedback to ensure it resonates with the recipient. This could involve highlighting personal growth, aligning feedback with career aspirations, or simply ensuring the language reflects how you'd naturally speak to your team.

Beyond the Review: Setting Goals and Expectations

ChatGPT isn't just for looking back; it's also about looking forward. Use it to draft goals and objectives for the upcoming period, based on the discussion about past performance. This not only makes the review more actionable but also sets a clear path for future growth.

Let's say you're reviewing Emma, a graphic designer. Your dialogue with ChatGPT might help you identify her strong creative vision but also note her struggles with meeting deadlines. The review could then celebrate her creativity, suggest ways to enhance time management, and set specific milestones for improvement.

Enhancing the Review Process

With the basics of generating a performance review using ChatGPT under our belt, let’s explore how we can take this process from good to great. Think of this stage as adding the icing and decorations to our cake—this is where we truly make it shine and stand out.

Using ChatGPT to Suggest Improvement Areas

One of the most powerful aspects of a performance review is not just reflecting on what has been done but also paving the way for what can be improved, and AI in performance management is a natural application of the technology. ChatGPT can be your brainstorming partner in identifying specific areas where an employee can grow. For example, if teamwork has been a challenge, ChatGPT can help draft suggestions for collaborative projects or team-building activities that align with the employee’s interests and the team’s needs.

Crafting Personalized Development Plans

The magic of a performance review lies in its ability to inspire and motivate. Here, ChatGPT can assist in creating tailored development plans that speak directly to each team member's aspirations and career goals. Whether it's mastering a new skill, taking on leadership roles, or exploring new project areas, ChatGPT can help outline a path filled with opportunities tailored to each individual's journey.

Preparing for a Two-Way Conversation

Performance reviews shouldn’t be a one-way street. They are most effective when they foster an open dialogue. ChatGPT can aid in preparing questions that encourage employees to share their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. This could range from asking for feedback on team dynamics to discussing long-term professional goals. The aim is to create an environment where constructive conversation flourishes, making the review process a collaborative effort.

Imagine you're working with Alex, an engineer who's shown great technical skill but wants to improve his public speaking and presentation abilities. Through ChatGPT, you could draft a development plan that includes attending workshops, joining a speaking club, and setting up regular practice sessions within the team. Moreover, preparing open-ended questions like, “How do you feel about leading our next team presentation?” can invite meaningful dialogue and set the stage for actionable goals.

Enhancing the review process with ChatGPT is about more than just efficiency; it's about creating a more dynamic, responsive, and personalized approach to employee development. By leveraging AI to suggest improvements, craft development plans, and prepare for meaningful conversations, managers can turn performance reviews into a catalyst for growth and engagement.

Ethical Considerations and Best Practices

As we embrace ChatGPT's capabilities to transform performance reviews, it's crucial to navigate this journey with a compass of ethical considerations and best practices. Think of this as the guidelines we follow to ensure that our technological advancements enhance, rather than detract from, our human values.

Balancing AI Insights with Human Judgement

While ChatGPT can offer valuable insights, remember that it's a tool to augment, not replace, human judgment. The nuances of understanding, empathy, and personal connection that managers bring to the table are irreplaceable. Ensure that the final review reflects a balance between AI-generated content and your personal touch, keeping the employee's dignity and feelings at the forefront.

Maintaining Transparency

Transparency is key when integrating ChatGPT into the review process. Be open with your team about how AI assists in drafting reviews, emphasizing that its role is to support, not dictate, the final feedback. This openness helps build trust and demystifies the process, ensuring employees feel valued and respected.

Ensuring Fairness and Consistency

One of the significant advantages of using ChatGPT is its ability to process information without the unconscious bias humans might bring. However, it's essential to critically review its outputs to ensure they align with your organization's values and standards for fairness and consistency. Regular checks and balances can help maintain this standard, ensuring every review is equitable and just.

Imagine you're evaluating Sam, who's had both stellar achievements and notable setbacks over the review period. ChatGPT can help draft a balanced view, highlighting successes while also addressing areas for improvement. However, it's your responsibility to ensure that the tone is constructive, the feedback is actionable, and the language promotes a positive path forward. This approach not only adheres to ethical guidelines but also supports Sam's professional growth in a respectful manner.

Incorporating ChatGPT into the performance review process offers exciting possibilities for efficiency, personalization, and growth. However, it's paramount that we tread this path with a commitment to ethical practices and human values. By balancing AI's insights with human judgment, maintaining transparency, and ensuring fairness, we can leverage technology to create a more inclusive, supportive, and effective review process.

Practical Tips and Tricks

Harnessing the power of ChatGPT for performance reviews is like discovering a new hiking trail. It's exciting and promising, but to truly enjoy the journey and reach the summit, you need some handy tips and tricks. Here’s how to make your experience smooth, effective, and rewarding.

Tip 1: Use Specific, Detailed Prompts

To get the most out of ChatGPT, think of your prompts like a map: the more detailed it is, the easier it is to reach your destination. Instead of saying, "Provide feedback for an employee," try, "Draft feedback for an employee who has excelled in client relations but needs improvement in time management." This specificity helps ChatGPT generate more targeted and useful responses.

💡 10 ChatGPT Performance Review Prompts to Help You Use AI to Write Performance Reviews

Crafting effective prompts is key to leveraging ChatGPT for insightful performance reviews. Here are 10 practical prompts that a manager could use to guide the creation of personalized and constructive performance reviews for their team members:

1. Summarize Achievements With AI

List the key achievements of [Employee Name] over the past [time period], focusing on contributions to project X and Y, and any notable innovations or solutions they provided.

2. Identify Improvement Areas With AI

Based on the feedback and performance data for [Employee Name], identify three areas for improvement that align with our team goals and their personal development plan.‍

3. Draft Constructive Feedback With AI

Generate constructive feedback for [Employee Name] regarding their time management skills, incorporating examples from the last quarter and suggestions for improvement.

4. Highlight Strengths With AI

"What are the top three strengths of [Employee Name] as demonstrated in their recent projects, and how have these strengths positively impacted our team's performance?

5. Suggest Development Goals With AI

"Propose three SMART goals for [Employee Name] for the next review period that focus on leveraging their strengths in [specific area] and addressing their improvement areas in [specific area].

6. Reflect on Teamwork With AI

"Analyze [Employee Name]'s contribution to team dynamics and collaboration over the past year, including any leadership roles or initiatives they undertook to enhance team cohesion.

7. Assess Problem-Solving Skills With AI

"Provide examples of how [Employee Name] demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills, especially in dealing with [specific challenge or project], and suggest ways to further develop these skills.

8. Evaluate Adaptability With AI

"How has [Employee Name] adapted to the changes in our project scope or team structure over the past [time period]? Include specific instances and assess the impact of their adaptability on project outcomes.

9. Draft Recognition Statements With AI

"Create a paragraph acknowledging [Employee Name]'s exceptional contributions to [specific project or goal], highlighting their innovative approaches and the value added to the team.

10. Prepare for Development Discussions With AI

Compose a set of open-ended questions to facilitate a development discussion with [Employee Name], focusing on their career aspirations, feedback on the team environment, and how management can support their growth.

These prompts are designed to help managers use ChatGPT effectively in the performance review process, ensuring that the reviews are balanced, personalized, and supportive of each team member's professional development.

Tip 2: Incorporate Feedback Iteratively

Don't expect perfection in the first draft. Improving employee feedback with AI means using ChatGPT's responses as a starting point, then refining and iterating. It's like sketching; your first lines might not be perfect, but with each stroke, the picture becomes clearer. Apply this approach to fine-tune the feedback, ensuring it aligns with your objectives and the employee's needs.

Tip 3: Blend ChatGPT’s Insights with Your Personal Touch

Remember, ChatGPT provides the clay, but you're the sculptor. It's essential to infuse the feedback with your understanding, empathy, and personal knowledge of the employee. This might mean adding anecdotes, personal encouragement, or specific examples that only you, as their manager, can provide.

Tip 4: Leverage ChatGPT for Goal Setting

ChatGPT can do more than reflect on past performance; it can also help project into the future. Use it to draft SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that align with both the employee's career aspirations and the team's objectives. This approach turns the review into a forward-looking, constructive session.

Tip 5: Avoid Common Pitfalls

Watch out for over-reliance on AI. Ensure that every piece of feedback is double-checked for relevance and appropriateness. Also, beware of generic language that could make the feedback feel impersonal. Always tailor ChatGPT’s output to reflect the unique contributions and personality of each team member.

Consider Ella, who has been working on improving her technical skills. Your detailed prompt to ChatGPT could help draft initial feedback highlighting her progress and suggesting areas for further growth. By refining this with personal notes on her specific projects and your perception of her efforts, the feedback becomes not just a review but a meaningful conversation starter.

Charting a New Course in Performance Reviews

As we draw the curtain on our exploration of using ChatGPT for performance reviews, it's clear that we're standing at the threshold of a new era. The integration of AI in the review process is not just a trend; it's a transformative shift that promises to make feedback more insightful, personalized, and, ultimately, more impactful.

But remember, at the heart of this transformation is not the technology itself, but how we use it to enhance our human interactions. ChatGPT offers us a mirror, reflecting the vast potential of our words to inspire growth, motivate change, and acknowledge achievements. It's up to us, the managers, the mentors, and the leaders, to wield this tool with care, empathy, and a deep commitment to our team's development.

As we move forward, let's embrace ChatGPT as our ally in the quest to build stronger, more resilient, and more motivated teams. Let's use it to not only streamline the mechanics of performance reviews but to deepen our connections with our team members, understanding their aspirations, celebrating their successes, and supporting them through their challenges.

Other Ways to Use ChatGPT At Work

ChatGPT can be useful for doing more than just writing performance reviews for your team. Check out some of our other how-to guides for using ChatGPT to get ahead at work:

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